Delayed Emergence from Anesthesia

“Despite the medications commonly used in anesthesia allow recovery in a few minutes, a delay in waking up from anesthesia, called delayed emergence, may occur. This phenomenon is associated with delays in the operating room, and an overall increase in costs. Together with the emergence delirium, the phenomenon represents a manifestation of
inadequate emergence. Nevertheless, in delayed emergence, the transition from unconsciousness to complete wakefulness usually occurs along a normal trajectory, although slowed down. On the other hand, this awakening trajectory could proceed abnormally, possibly culminating in the manifestation of emergence delirium. Clinically, delayed emergence often represents a challenge for clinicians who must make an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause to quickly establish appropriate therapy.”


“The delayed recovery of consciousness during anesthesia constitutes an important challenge for anesthesiologists who must quickly evaluate the possible causes and implement therapeutic strategies. Pending drugs that can promote “active” awakening, prevention is the best strategy, using intraoperative monitoring and designing safe anesthesia.”

Cascella M,et al Delayed Emergence from Anesthesia: What We Know and How We Act. Local Reg Anesth. 2020 Nov 5;13:195-206. Free Full Text

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